Exceptional Retirement Living in Downtown Macomb

203 N. Randolph St. Macomb, IL 61455

Amen for Care Partners

One of the most difficult jobs in the world in my opinion is that of a Care Partner or Caregiver as it is most often known. Care Giving is defined as providing care to a person’s health needs that is not normative. So….. It is out of the ordinary care than  you would give someone on a normal basis.

I prefer Care Partner because you are working with the loved one that needs help. You are partnering for their care not giving them care. I think of it like when someone needs assistance with being fed. There are places that refer to them as ‘feeders’. I hate that word. It sounds like a parasite feeding on something – not at all what helping someone get nourishment should be. Sorry, I digressed.

Care Partners are family, friends, sometimes paid, often not. They are available 24/7 and often are working and raising a family. They often are stressed because it is difficult to know what another person needs if that person is not able to tell you. You often find out the choice you made is wrong when you get yelled at or get s sarcastic comment. It is a thankless job but also one of the most rewarding.

Let us help you with being a Care Partner. Please check out what The Lamoine offers and call Annette or Kelly at 309-575-3018. Often you don’t know what resources are available until you need them – we can help!!!

We currently are offering tours and renting apartments!

We are out and about a lot and giving lots of tours. Please let us know you are coming to visit us so we will be sure to be available.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!!!
